Child of Mine Comments

  • Child Of Mine

    I know another artist "Melanie" from the 60's did this.
    I had it once on an 8-track and have been searching for it for years. Her version was really great too, but I have yet to find it or any other as of yet to buy or download. *sigh*

    Mike 2010-10-02

  • child of mine

    I heard this song for the first time years ago on a radio station. I listened to that station all the time waiting for it to come on again. It's one of the most well written, honest to life songs that I've ever heard. I actually called my mother one time while it was playing, just for her to hear it. We weren't very close as I was growing up. I've had my children hear it as I know that at times, they also see things so differently than me and I wanted them to know that I understood that we were different, but that I still loved them and always would. This song so eloquently says perfectly what we sometimes stumble to say!

    Penny 2010-03-06

  • Child of Mine

    How can I get this song ? The first time I heard it was at the Memorial for 3 year old Caylee Marie Anthony and it made me cry. Since then I have been trying to get a copy of it. Thank you so much.


    Ann 2009-03-16

  • Nostalgic

    when i first heard this song, i think i was nine. i had to sing it in a Christmas Melody School Special. i remember it as my favorite song for a long time, but then i suddenly forgot the sweet melody.

    has anyone got an idea as to where i may get this song? if you do, please send me the link to entai_demon@y a h o o . c o m?

    please, and thank you!^^-

    Xaviera Magallon C. 2008-06-08

  • I rape all the childs of mine

    i got a room with plastic on the ground with white padded walls with a video cam if ya know what i mean! =] i have great fun the the weekends............

    i have 1000 dollars and full bladder
    if anybodys intrested i want to piss in your cunt

    Jimmy McHarrison 2008-05-16

  • Tuch mine heart

    This song I have found it by YoutTube in a musicvideo from three little raccoons, i hear the sng and I love it.
    But I doesn't found this version and the video have very bad quality. When i hear this song I feel me how a child and a "Mother". It's interesting. I'm 15 and I feel so much to much to write that.

    Ralph Avery Raccoon 2008-02-15

  • My father and I

    Really Nice song... Fits a perfect picture, growing up my dad wasn't always there for me...

    Katie Cormier 2007-08-13

  • Child of Mine

    This song was in the background while my children were (5) growing up and always touched my heart when I heard it. When my son announced his engagement last year, I knew what song was destined to be "our" song to dance to....

    Georg-Anne 2007-05-03

  • child of mine

    How can I get this song?

    lynn 2007-04-24

  • freaking A

    there is an oldies group from like the 60's that sings this...does anyone know who they are!?!?!??!

    franchesca 2007-04-11

  • grrrrrr

    who sings this damn song!?!??!?!?! thats not carole friggin king....

    franchesca 2007-04-11

  • Carole King

    Yeah Carole King is great. I'm looking for this mp3 but can't find it.

    Pei Sheah 2006-12-02

  • Carole King

    Carole King is the artist that sings this song.

    Sherree 2006-07-09

  • Child of Mine

    Who is the artist that sings this song?

    karen 2006-07-08

  • awesome song

    this song is truly awesome. i love it alot....

    lili 2006-05-29

  • Child Of Mine

    Who sings this song?

    Dee 2006-05-18

  • Amazing and touching

    I love this song, but I have not been able to find who this is that sings it, I would apreciate the help find this out.

    Kim 2006-05-02

  • child of mine

    i truly love this song it makes me cry everytime i hear this song.

    amy 2006-02-08

  • WOW

    Amazing song, makes me think of myself and my parents

    Regina 2006-01-18

  • Child of mine

    This song is so beautiful! i love it! I sung it to my grandma and she had those teary eyes!

    Cara 2005-03-02

  • Child of Mine

    I truly love this song. It moves me.

    Jean Maskas 2005-02-22

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